Major Topics
Introduction to Islam
The Origin of Shi'tte Islam and It's
Islamic Laws
Prayer for Beginners
Islamic Rites (Shaheed Mohammad Baqir Sadr)
The Unschooled Prophet (Shaheed Murteza Mutahhari)
Islamic Irfan (Shaheed Murteza Mutahhari)
Eternity of Moral Values (Shaheed Murteza Mutahhari)
Collector of Felicities (Jami
al Sa'adat) - - a condensed version (from original 3 volumes) of this
important book by the great Islamic scholar, mystic, and moral philosopher,
Muhammad Mahdi ibn Abi Dharr al-Naraqi on one of the most important of the
Islamic sciences, ethics (akhlaq).
40 Hadith about the Holy Month of Ramadhan
The Islamic System of Judiciary Page
(an article by Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli)
Wilayat Faqih (an important
discussion presented by Aaytollah Hashemi Shahroodi in his course of Khariji
Adab al-Suluk (A Treatise on
Spiritual Wayfaring by Shaykh Najm al-Din Kubra)
Can Science Dispense with Religion? (Professor Reza Davari Ardakani
Interview by Professor Mehdi Golshani)
Fatima Is Fatima (by Dr.
Ali Shariati)
Thematic Exegesis According to Martyr Sadr (by Sayyid Muhammad 'Ali Awizi)
of Life (by Shaheed Murteza Mutahhari - from IEC Bookstore's e-Library)
Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S.)
99 Names of Allah
Science in The Qur'an
The Treatise on Rights (RISALAT AL-HUQUQ) by Imam Zayn al-'Abidin (a.s.)

A'mal for the Month of Rajab which are beneficial at or after death

About Allah

Islamic Economy: Its Ideological and Legal Foundations

Ahlul Bayt
Please, visit the Ahlul Bayt Page.
Visit the Quran Page.
You can also find a complete recitation of the Holy Quran at numerous links on
the Internet including a link provided at IEC main home page to
site. Additionally several articles are available the deal with different
aspects of Islam as related to Quran.
As additional articles are added they will
be listed here.
- Qur'an and the Nature of Life
by Shaheed Mutahhari
- will be added soon
Please also note that Saturday nights Tafseer by Hujatuleslam Bahraini
started from the 57th sura, Sura Waqi'aa, and will continue from there.
As a new
sura will be started those pages are added to the site. Current available suras
Shia Fuquha and Scholars (Past and
Please visit the Shia Fuquha page to learn about the
greatest and most influential names in the history of Shia Figh.
Please visit the
Contemporary Shia
Scholars page to learn
about some of the most influential names in contemporary Shia theology.
Supplications, Ziyarats, Ahadith, and Noheh
Please visit the extended
Supplications Page
for numerous supplications both in audio and text (Arabic and English).
On separate pages you can also read and listen to complete version of Imam Zain
Al Abedin's
Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh.