

Al-Sahifa Al-Kamilah Al-Sajjadiya



1 In Praise of God
2 Blessing upon Muhammad and his Household
3 Blessing upon the Bearers of the Throne
4 Blessing upon the Attesters to the Messengers
5 His Supplication for himself and the People under his Guardianship
6 His Supplication in the Morning and Evening
7 His Supplication in Worrisome Tasks
8 His Supplication in Seeking Refuge
9 His Supplication in Yearning
10 His Supplication in Seeking Asylum with God 
11 His Supplication for Good Outcomes 
12 His Supplication in Confession
13 His Supplication in Seeking Needs 
14 His Supplication in Acts of Wrongdoing 
15 His Supplication When Sick
16 His Supplication in Asking for Release from Sins 
17 His Supplication Against Satan 
18 His Supplication in Perils 
19 His Supplication in Asking for Rain during a Drought 
20 His Supplication on Noble Moral Traits
21 His Supplication in Sorrow
22 His Supplication in Hardship
23 His Supplication for Well-Being
24 His Supplication for his Parents
25 His Supplication for his Children
26 His Supplication for his Neighbors and Friends
27 His Supplication for the People of the Frontiers
28 His Supplication in Fleeing to God
29 His Supplication when his Provision was Stinted
30 His Supplication for Help in Repaying Debts 
31 His Supplication in Repentance
32 His Supplication in the Night Prayer
33 His Supplication in Asking for the Best
34 His Supplication when Afflicted
35 His Supplication in Satisfaction with the Decree
36 His Supplication upon Hearing Thunder
37 His Supplication in Giving Thanks
38 His Supplication in Asking Pardon
39 His Supplication in Seeking Pardon and Mercy
40 His Supplication when Death was Mentioned
41 His Supplication in Asking for Covering and Protection
42 His Supplication upon Completing a Reading of the Qur'an
43 His Supplication when he Looked at the New Crescent Moon
44 His Supplication for the Coming of the Month of Ramadan
45 His Supplication in Bidding Farewell to the Month of Ramadan
46 His Supplication on the Day of Fast-Breaking and on Friday
47 His Supplication on the Day of 'Arafa
48 His Supplication on the Day of Sacrifice and on Friday
49 His Supplication in Repelling Enemies
50 His Supplication in Fear
51 His Supplication Pleading and Abasement
52 His Supplication Imploring God
53 His Supplication in Abasing himself
54 His Supplication for the Removal of Worries
The 15 Whispered prayers
1 The Whispered Prayer of the Repenters
2 The Whispered Prayer of the Complainers
3 The Whispered Prayer of the Fearful
4 The Whispered Prayer of the Hopeful
5 The Whispered Prayer of the Beseechers
6 The Whispered Prayer of the Thankful
7 The Whispered Prayer of the Obedient toward God
8 The Whispered Prayer of the Devotees
9 The Whispered Prayer of the Lovers
10 The Whispered Prayer of those Asking for Mediation
11 The Whispered Prayer of the Utterly Poor
12 The Whispered Prayer of the Knowers
13 The Whispered Prayer of the Rememberers
14 The Whispered Prayer of Those Who Hold Fast
15 The Whispered Prayer of the Abstainers