The Whispered Prayer of Those Who Hold

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
1 O God, O Shelter of the shelter-seekers! O
Refuge of the refuge-seekers! O Deliverer of the perishing! O Preserver of
the pitiful! O Merciful toward the miserable! O Responder to the
distressed! O Treasure of the utterly poor! O Mender of the broken! O
Haven of the cut off! O Helper of the abased! O Granter of sanctuary to
the fearful! O Aider of the troubled! O Fortress of the refugees! If I
seek not refuge in Thy might, in whom shall I seek refuge? If I seek not
shelter in Thy power, in whom shall I seek shelter? Sins have made me
seek asylum in laying hold on the skirts of Thy pardon, offenses have
compelled me to beg the opening of the doors of Thy forgiveness,
evildoing has summoned me to dismount in the courtyard of Thy might,
fear of Thy vengeance has prompted me to cling to the handhold of Thy
tenderness! It is not right for him who holds fast to Thy cord to be
abandoned, nor proper for him who seeks the sanctuary of Thy might to be
surrendered or disregarded.
My God, empty us not of Thy defending, strip us not of Thy
guarding, and protect us from the roads of destruction, for we are in Thy
eye and under Thy wing! I ask Thee by those whom Thou hast singled out,
Thy angels and the righteous among Thy creatures, to assign over us a
protector through which Thou wilt deliver us from destructions, turn aside
from us blights, and hide us from the striking of great afflictions, to
send down upon us some of Thy tranquility, to wrap our faces in the
lights of love for Thee, to give us haven in Thy strong pillar, and to
gather us under the wings of Thy preservation! By Thy clemency and Thy
mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful! |