Du’a “Kumail” is from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) and which is recited on every Thursday evening in many of the Islamic countries. The importance of the content of this du’a is such that when Imam Ali (a.s.) presented to one of his followers who was called Kumail bin Ziyad, he told him to recite it at least once in his lifetime if he was unable to recite it more than that.
The message of Du’a Kumail is so deep and intense that one can hardly recite it remaining dry-eyed. It speaks of the glory and majesty of Allah, the Most High, of His mercy and kindness, of His retribution and punishment, and of man’s need for Him and thankfulness for His Being.
We have attempted to present Du’a Kumail in a way that can be easily recited in English and its meaning can become clear. A transliteration is also included so that one may be able to recite this du’a in Arabic. It is a universal prayer. We are pleased to present it and hope that all, Muslims and non-Muslims, will partake of its heartfelt message.
Kumail bin Ziyad Nakha’i was a faithful companion of Imam Ali, the Commander of the believers (a.s.) Kumail
was well-known for his devotion and uncompromising allegiance to his Imam. He transmitted many of the important sayings and teachings of Imam Ali (a.s.). This famous du’a known as Du’a Kumail is one of the most important of those transmittals. Du’a Kumail was in response to Kumail’s request of Imam Ali (a.s.) for a prayer that would be the most useful for seeking assurance of Allah’s mercy.
The instructions delivered with this du’a emphasize that it should be recited as frequently as possible, but at least once in a lifetime. Faithful Muslims enjoy a weekly recitation of this du’a, usually on the evening of al-Khamis (Thursday) after Isha’ prayer.
Almighty Allah, the Gracious never treats a du’a indifferently which comes from one’s heart. Thus when you offer your du’a, do it with undivided attention to Allah, and have an implicit faith that your wishes will be granted by Him.
One of the blessings of Du’a Kumail is that by offering it, one’s personal needs are satisfied, prospects of livelihood are brightened, protection from one’s enemy’s evil intention is ensured and sins are pardoned. Thus, Muslims should offer this supplication regularly.
Below you will find numerous links to this magnificent
du'a in a variety of formats in Arabic, with translation and transliteration in
English provided by
Imam Ali (a.s.) Foundation and translation by Sadegh Al Mussawi as well
as Adobe Acrobat version of the du'A and several audio (MP3) files recited by
different reciters. A link to the original URL is also provided when possible.
Click on the appropriate type to visit the page.